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Egypt, Seahorse Bay – Kitesurfing

This summer there was a “timeout” of a different kind waiting for me. Steffi and I started together with her dad to build a house. The demolition of the old one and the construction of the new one was and still is a lot of work. That’s the reason why we did not have much time this summer. But still we managed to squeeze in a ten day kitesurfing trip to Egypt.

Steffi, Markus and I wanted to kite as much as possible. So we booked ourselves in the Kitehouse. This is a small hotel on the beach specialized on kitersurfers. There we wanted to improve our skills. Markus was a beginner whereas Steffi and I had some experience. But in the end of the trip Markus was all but a novice. We could get one advice or the other from him. We managed the first jumps, which was pretty cool. There were two days with no wind but we were not lazy and went scuba diving instead. Steffi had the opportunity to go horse riding several times. She enjoyed it quite a bit.

The three of us were the only ones who cheered loudly when Argentina scored the assumed 1: 0 in the World finals versus Germany.